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Ways of Keeping Safe in the Community

We meet many people every day in the community.

Some people are well known to us while others we do not know them. The people we meet and do not know are called strangers.

We can keep safe in the community by:

  1. We should not accept money sweets, juice or sodas from strangers.

  2. We should not accept to enter in cars owned by strangers.

  3. Use the roads safely.

  4. Avoid walking alone at night.

  5. Avoid open pits.

  6. Do not always walk alone. Keep company (walk with others.)

  7. Always use safe routes when going home and to school.

  8. Use the internet safely avoiding strangers.

  9. Know where the fire assembly point is found in the compound.

  10. Avoid or report those who are bully.

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