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STEM Pathway

Pure Sciences

 Community Service Learning.

 Physical Education.

 Information Communication Technology (ICT)

The learner should select a minimum of three from the following subjects:

 Mathematics.

 Physics.

 Chemistry.

 Biology.

Applied sciences

 Community Service Learning.

 Physical Education.

 Information Communication Technology (ICT)

The learner should select one of the following subjects:

 Agriculture.

 Computer science.

 Food and Nutrition.

 Home Management.

Technical and engineering

 Community Service Learning.

 Physical Education.

 Information Communication Technology (ICT)

 Mathematics.

 Chemistry or Biological Sciences.

 Physics or Biology or Physical Science.

The learner should select one of the following subjects:

 Agricultural technology.

 Geoscience technology.

 Marine and fisheries technology.

 Aviation technology.

 Wood technology.

 Electrical technology.

 Metal technology.

 Physics or Biology or Physical Science.

 Power mechanics.

 Clothing technology.

 Construction technology.

 Media technology.

 Electronics technology.

 Manufacturing technology.

 Mechatronics.

Career and technology studies (CTS)

 Community Service Learning.

 Physical Education.

 Information Communication Technology (ICT)

The learner should select one of the following subjects:

 Garment making and interior design.

 Leather work.

 Culinary arts.

 Hair dressing and beauty therapy.

 Plumbing and ceramics.

 Welding and fabrication.

 Tourism and travel.

 Air conditioning and refrigeration.

 Exterior design and landscaping.

 Building construction.

 Photography.

 Graphic designing and animation.

 Food and beverage.

 Motor vehicle mechanics.

 Carpentry and joinery.

 Firefighting.

 Metal works.

 Electricity.

 Land surveying.

 Science laboratory


 Electronics.

 Printing technology.

 Crop production.

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