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Grade 3- Rhythm

Rhythm refers to the pattern of sounds and silences that occur over time. It is the element of music that creates a sense of movement and forward momentum and is always described as the heartbeat or pulse of a piece of music.

Simple rhythmic patterns

Sing and clap the beat of the song ' Ten little Indians’

One little two little three little Indians Four little five little six little Indians Seven little eight little nine little Indians

Ten little Indian boys


A beat is the pulse of music.

When beats and rests are organized into pattern ti becomes a rhythmic pattern Clap the syllables of the song ‘Ten little Indians’

One little two little three little Indians’ Four little five little six little Indians Seven little eight little nine little Indians

Ten little Indian boys


 Beats can be short or long, for example;- In the song Ten little Indians’

 One li- ttle two li- ttle three li- ttle in- dians One is a long beat.

Li- ttle has two short beats Two is a long beat

In-dians has two short beats


Sing and clap the rhythmic pattern of Ten little Indians’ observing the long beat and the short beats.

·        A long beat has one clap,

·        Short beat has two short claps One li-ttle two li-ttle three li-ttle in-dians

Four li-ttle five li-ttle six li-ttle in-dians Seve li-ttle eight li-ttle nine li-ttle in-dians

Ten li-ttle in-dians boys



Group Activity

Perform the song Ten little Indians’in groups


Guide learners into three groups

Group 1 to sing the song

Group 2 to play the beats by just clapping steadily

Group 3 to clap the rhythmic pattern by observing long beats and short beats in the song.



Appreciating simple rhythmic patterns in music

Rhythm is the foundation of all music and is essential for creating structure and movement.

Practicing rhythmic patterns and movement help develop fine motor skills, hand eye coordination and overall physical coordination.

Rhythm gets our body moving, guides us through the tune and communicates the emotions of the piece of music.

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