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Population Distribution in Kenya

Population refers to the total number of people living in an area at a particular time.

The total number of people living in Kenya makes up the population of Kenya.

The population of an area can either be sparse or dense.

If an area has many people the area is said to be densely populated.

If an area has few people it is said to be sparsely populated.

Population Density is the number of people living in an area per square kilometre.

Population density can be described as high, medium or low.

Areas of high population in Kenya include:

  1. Highlands such as western highlands and central highlands, parts of Machakos.

  2. Lake basins such as Nyanza region, especially north of Lake

  3. Victoria

  4. Coastal areas

  5. Major towns such as Nairobi

  6. , Mombasa and Kisumu, Nakuru

  7. and Eldoret

Areas of low population density include:

  1. Deserts like Chalbi and Taru

  2. Steep slopes of mountains.

  3. Restricted areas such as near game parks and airports

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