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Performances in Music

A Performance is presentation of a song a dance to a group of people (Audience)

Solo Performance

A solo performance is when one person sings alone to an audience

Duet Performance

A Duet Performance is when two people sing together in harmony each of them singing a different voice part to an audience

Trio Performance

A Trio Performance is when three people sing together in harmony each of them singing a different voice part to an audience

Quartet Performance

A Quartet Performance is when four people sing together in harmony each of them singing a different voice part to an audience


Soprano- The Highest Female Voice

Alto- The lowest Female Voice

Tenor- The Highest Male Voice

Bass- The Lowest Male Voice

Voice Parts in Duet Performance

Soprano and Alto  - SA

Alto and Tenor  - AT

Tenor and Bass  - TB

Soprano and Bass  - SB

Soprano and Tenor  - SB

2- Part Singing

Is when two groups of people sing together in harmony each of them singing a different voice part to an audience

3- Part Singing

Is when three groups of people sing together in harmony each of them singing a different voice part to an audience

Choral Performance

A Choral Performance is when four groups of people sing together in harmony each of them singing a different voice part to an audience

Voice Parts in Choral Performance

Soprano,  Alto, Tenor and Bass


Alto and Bass  - AB

Alto and Tenor  - AT

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