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Magnetic and Non-magnetic Materials

  • A magnet attracts some materials.

  • Materials attracted by a magnet are called magnetic materials.

  • Magnetic materials include objects such as iron, steel, nickel and cobalt.

  • Some materials are not attracted by a magnet. These materials are called non-magnetic

  • materials. They include objects such as plastic, wood, copper and Aluminium.

The force between like and unlike poles.

  • When you move closer two magnet bars suspended using a thread you will

  • observe that some sides repel and other attract each other.

  • You notice that the North pole of one magnet and the south pole of the other magnet pull each other and stick together. This is called attraction. This shows that the unlike poles of magnet attract.

  • The north pole of one magnet pushes a way the north pole of another magnet. this is called repulsion. this shows like poles of magnet repel.

  • Similarly, the south pole of one magnet pushes a way the South pole of another magnet.

  • This also shows that like poles of a magnet repel.

This experiment shows the law of attraction and repulsion.

  1. Unlike poles attract

  2. Like poles attract

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