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Imela! Imela!

1. When I think upon Your goodness;

And Your faithfulness each day

I'm convinced it's not because I am worthy

To receive the kind of love that You give

But I'm grateful for Your mercy,

And I'm grateful for Your grace

And because of how You've poured out Yourself

I have come to sing this song out in praise

Imela! Imela! (Thank You! Thank You!)

Okaka, Onyekeruwa (Great and Might creator of the world)

Imela! Imela! (Thank You! Thank You!)

Eze m Oh (My King)

2. who am I to sing your praises?

Who am I to worship you?

It's Your blood that makes the difference in me

And made a way to enter into Your throne

I could not come near Your presence

I could never sing Your song

But the sacrifice on Calvary's tree

Is the reason I can cry out today

What shall I render to Jehovah?

For he has done so very much for mex2

Nara Nara ee

Narekele narekele mo

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