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Holy Sprirt Mass

Lord have mercy on us x2 Lord have mercy

Christ have mercy on us x2 Have mercy, have mercy

Lord have mercy on us . . .


(Glory be to God x3 Glory to God in the Highest) x2

Heavenly King, Lord our God, Praise Praise Praise to you Lord Father of all, we give you thanks, Praise Praise Praise to you Lord.

Lord Jesus Christ, You take away- Praise Praise Praise to you Lord. All our sin have mercy Lord- Praise Praise Praise to you Lord

Glory is yours at God's right hand- Praise Praise Praise to you Lord Graciously hear your peoples' prayer- Praise Praise Praise to you Lord

For you alone are Holy Christ- Praise Praise Praise to you Lord You are the Lord, you the most High- Praise Praise Praise to you Lord

Spirit of God, may you be praised- Praise Praise Praise to you Lord You have been sent, to unite all- Praise Praise Praise to you Lord


I believe in God the Father

I believe in God the Son

I believe in God the Spirit

I believe in God the Father Almighty,

Creator of heaven and earth

I believe in Jesus Christ Our Savior, His

only Son, our Lord

He was conceived by the power of the

Holy Spirit, and born of the virgin Mary

He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was

crucified, died and was buried

He descended to the dead in the hades,

on the third day He rose again

He ascended into heaven, and is seated

at the right hand of the Father

He will come again in glory,

to judge the living and the dead

I believe in the Holy Spirit,

the Holy Catholic church

The communion of saints in heavean, the

forgiveness of sins

The resurrection of the body, and the life

everlasting. Amen.


Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord x2 Almighty God

Heaven and earth are full of your Glory x2 Hosanna, Hossana, Hosanna in the Highest x2

Blessed is He who comes now to us, Blessed is He who comes in the Lord's name x2


(Christ has died, Christ

Christ has died, Christ is risen;

Christ will come again) x2


Jesus Lamb of God You take away our sin Have Mercy on us x2

Jesus Lamb of God . . .

Oh! Jesus Christ Lamb of God, you take away our sin, Grant Your peace x2 to us Lord

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