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Graded 7- Principles of Good Landing in Handball

Principles of good landing

  1. Landing on the balls of the feet

  2. Knees should be slightly bent to cushion the shock on the impact of landing

  3. This is also referred to as knee- deep landing.


Stepping progression skills in handball

Drill 1: individually jump, catch a ball and land on one foot.

Drill 2: in pairs, stand 3m apart facing each other, jump, and catch a ball and land on both feet

Drill 3

a) the players are in circular formation passing and catching the ball

b) Catch the ball from a side pass land on both feet and take three steps and then pass it to the next player using a side pass.

Drill 4

a) The players are in a triangular formation passing and catching the ball

b) Catch the ball from a flick pass and land on both feet, take three steps and then pass the ball using a flick pass.

Drill 5

a) in a group six form a line formation

b) Practice catching the ball and landing on both feet. Use a jump pass while passing.

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