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Grade 7- Strategies for addressing Gender stereotype associated with career choices

People have different views regarding the roles or careers chosen by women or men.

Some people believe that certain careers or entrepreneurial opportunities belong to a given gender (male or female). These are called gender stereotypes.

  • Everyone has an equal opportunity or chance to study their career of choice.

  • They can also pursue a given entrepreneurial opportunity of their choice.

  • Gender is the state of being male or female in relation to social and cultural roles.

  • Stereotypes are fixed general ideas or images that assume that a person behaves in a particular way.

  • Stereotypes limit aspirations and development of talents.

  • They create gender differences.

  • These gender differences ought to be addressed using appropriate strategies.

  • A strategy is a careful plan or method of dealing with an issue

We can address gender stereotypes in career and entrepreneurial opportunities related to social studies through the following strategies

  1. Committing and encouraging both males and females to take a full range of careers and business opportunities

  2. Ensuring representation of both genders in leadership

  3. Treating both males and females equally by using texts and circular that does not promote gender bias

  4. Develop policies, law- and decision-making process that represent both males and females.

Recognizing biological difference devoid of stereotypes in career choices and entrepreneurial opportunities in social studies

  • There are biological differences between male and female people.

  • Biological difference should never be a hindrance to one’s career choice and entrepreneurial opportunities.

  • Both male and female should be given equal opportunities to pursue their dreams.

A gender stereotype is a generalized view or preconception about attributes, or characteristics that are or ought to be possessed by women and men or the roles that are or should be performed by men and women. Gender stereotypes can be both positive and negative for example, “women are nurturing” or “women are weak”.

Gender stereotyping is the practice of ascribing to an individual woman or man specific attributes, characteristics, or roles by reason only of her or his membership in the social group of women or men.

  1. Revising textbooks.

  2. Ensuring that teachers receive gender training.

  3. Implementing programmes to encourage girls to pursue education and employment in non-traditional fields.

  4. Undertaking public information and education programmes to change attitudes concerning the roles and status of men and women.

  5. Taking measures to train public officials and the judiciary to ensure that stereotypical prejudices and values do not affect decision-making.

  6. Emphasizing through awareness raising activities the importance of women’s participation in decision making roles.

  7. Adopting measures, including temporary special measures, to eliminate occupational segregation based on gender stereotypes.

  8. Adopting positive measures to expose and modify harmful genders stereotypes within the health sector.

  9. Addressing gender stereotypes/ing that impairs or nullify equality in marriage and family relations, including through implementing comprehensive policy and awareness raising initiatives designed to overcome stereotypical attitudes about the roles and responsibilities of women and men in family and society

Roles of SST for promotion of Social cohesion

  • Promotion of equality for everyone in the society

  • Enhancing justice for everyone in the society

  • Respect for oneself, and others in their opinions and choices

  • Promoting unity of the society regardless of the differences

  • Creating awareness on the need for social cohesion.

  • Introducing activities that promote social cohesion

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