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Grade 7- Reception in Handball

Reception is the act of receiving the ball with one or both hands. The catch may vary from high level to medium or low level.

Points for reception of the ball

a. Preparation

  1. Stand on the balls of your feet shoulder-width apart facing the direction of the ball.

  2. Extend your hands towards the ball

  3. Move forward to meet the oncoming ball

  4. Keep your arms pointed towards the ball

  5. Your hands should form a tunnel shape of a W formation ready to receive the ball.

Preparation to catch

b. Termination

On contact with the ball, wrap the fingers around it and bend the elbows bring the ball towards the chest.

Ensure the thumbs are behind the ball and get in to a ready position for your next action.

Drills in hand balls

Drill 1: jump passing

In pairs, stand apart. Take three steps toward your partner and then take off

Pass the ball using a jump pass and walk back to your siting position

Your partner also takes three steps and then passes te ball back to you using a jump pass.

Drill 2. Flick pass

In groups of four, stand in a square formation, ass the ball around the square using flick.

Drill 3: two line drill

  1. Player to form two lines

  2. The leaders pass the ball using a flick pass

  3. After making the pass, the leader joins the line from behind

Ensure everyone get a chance to pass the ball

Side pass drills

Drill 1: side passing

In pairs, stand 3m apart side by side. Pass the ball to one another using a wrist pass

Drill 2: pass curve

  1. In groups of four, stand three meters apart in a semi-circle

  2. The player with the ball to be at the extreme end

  3. Pass the ball from right to left without skipping any player

  4. When the ball reaches the end, pass the ball back to the left

Drill 3: down court drill

  1. In pairs, stand 3 m apart facing the goal, walk down the court passing the ball using the side pass.

  2. Change the pace to a jog and continue passing the ball each other up and down the court

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