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Grade 7- Political organization of the Ogiek Community up to 1900

  • They had no organized political structure.

  • They had no chiefs, clan elders or formal councils.

  • The Ogiek political structure was based on the lineage family system.

  • Two or more related families with one common ancestor formed a larger political unit called ipinda.

  • The Ogiek had an age set system which supplied the community with warriors who defended the community against raids.

Political organization of the Zulu community up to 1900

  • Political structure of the Zulu was structured like a pyramid.

  • At the base, there were individual households called Umuzi. The family was the basic political unit in the community.

  • Each Umuzi was under the control of the Umnumzane-the household head. The Umnumzane was responsible for maintaining order at the household level.

  • He was answerable to the Induna-the head of a district (Isigodi). He also made up several related Umuzis.

  • The induna was responsible for enforcing law and order in the isigodi. He also solved cases that the Umnumzane could not solve at the household level.

  • Several isigodi formed a larger political unit called isifunda which was controlled by a hereditary chief called inkosi.

Political organization of the Asante community up to 1900

  • Unlike the pyramid structure of the Zulu, the Asante Empire was organized in a cyclic formation.

  • Power was concentrated at the central headquarters in Kumasi. This means power reduced as one moved away from the headquarters.

  • The Metropolitan Kumasi was directly ruled by the Asantehene. Asantehene Osei Tutu was one of the founders of the Asante Empire.

  • The Asantehene was advised by a council of kings in charge of various states that formed the Asante Empire. The council of kings were called Omanhene. Each of these kings had to swear an oath of allegiance to the Asantehene. He also had to give up the right of declaring war against another fellow Omanhene.

  • The states forming the Asante empire were united together by the Golden Stool which was a national symbol of unity.

  • The Odwira Festival was conducted annually. During Odwira festival all the Omanhenes gathered in Kumasi. They would also solve any disputes among the states.

  • The Asante had a very strong army that defended the empire from external attacks. The military also raided the neighbouring communities for expansion of the empire.

The Concept of Scramble for and Partition of Africa.

The scramble for Africa refers to the struggle by competition or rush by Europeans for colonies.

The partition of Africa refers to the sharing or dividing up of Africa into European spheres of influence.

European Groups that came to Africa.

Explorers- They discovered and named main physical features in Africa.

Missionaries- They came to Africa to spread Christianity and teach how to read and write.

Traders- They helped in bringing goods such as clothes, manufactured goods, spices among others.

Colonisers- They scrambled and partitioned for Africa.

Factors that led to the presence of Europeans in Africa.

  1. To spread Christianity.

  2. In search of raw materials for their industries in Europe.

  3. Search for markets for their finished goods.

  4. National pride and prestige.

  5. For Exploitation.

  6. To spread European civilization.

The Terms of the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885 on partitioning of Africa

  1. Congo, Niger and Zambezi rivers are free for navigation and commerce.

  2. Declare the spheres of influence and colonies.

  3. Solve any boundaries dispute through negotiations.

  4. Ensure security of all Europeans in our colonies.

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