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Grade 7- Human Rights

Human rights are privileges human beings are entitled to irrespective of their colour, race, gender, tribe, faith, political opinion or status.

Evolution of Human Rights.

Human Rights evolved from simple rules in the society, chiefdoms, kingdoms and empires to become universally accepted.

The belief that everyone is entitled to certain human rights starts a long time ago.

Examples of human rights include:

  1. Rights to education.

  2. Right to proper housing.

  3. Right to marry and have family.

  4. Right to fair trial.

  5. Right to own property.

  6. Right to employment.

  7. Right to access information and fair application of law.

  8. Right to participate in cultural life of choice.

  9. Right to vie for any political office.

  10. Right to join trade unions.

  11. Right to clean water.

  12. Right to basic needs.

  13. Right to security.

  14. Right to vote.

  15. Right to medical care.

  16. Right to life.

Classification of Human Rights

Human rights can be classified as;

  1. Social rights.

  2. Economic rights.

  3. Civil rights.

  4. Cultural rights.

Civil Rights protect individuals from action by the government, organizations or other persons.

Political Rights mandate individuals from to participate freely in the political system.

This includes voting and holding public office.

Economic, social and cultural rights provide protection for the dignity, freedom and well-being of individuals. They include rights to adequate food, housing, health, social security, cultural life, water, sanitation and work.

Characteristics of Human Rights in the Society.

  1. Non-discrimination- human beings should not be discriminated on the basis of colour, ethnicity, gender, race, age, religion, nationality or language.

  2. They are universal-human rights are the same in all member states of the United Nations.

  3. They are enforceable-human rights must be anchored in constitution f member states and be protected by the court of law.

  4. Immutable-human rights should not be taken away or changed by anyone.

  5. Equal -human rights are equal in status. Human beings are equal irrespective of their communities, traditions or nations.

  6. Independent and interrelated

  7. Participatory and inclusive

  8. Protected by court of law

  9. Indivisible and interacted

  10. Inherent Equity and Non-discrimination in Fostering Solidarity. Equity refers to the treatment of people or allocation of resources according to each individual’s needs. Non-discrimination is an important part of equality that ensures individuals are treated in the same way regardless of gender, race, religion. Language ethnicity, disability or nationality.

Promoting Equity and Non- Discrimination for Prosperity

The following ways can be used to promote equity and non-discrimination in the society.

  1. Providing food, shelter and caring for the orphans.

  2. Donating wheelchairs to physically challenged people.

  3. Ensuring laws that protect the women, disabled and other minorities are respected.

  4. Creating public awareness to support equity and non-discrimination through schools, media, support groups among others.

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