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Grade 7- Household hand tools

Tools are used to perform different tasks.

A tool is an instrument used for performing a task.

A hand tool is a simple tool which you hold by the hand and operate without electricity or other power.

A household hand tool is a tool which helps you to carry out tasks around the house.

Some of the household hand tools in the locality include the following:

House hold tool photograph

  1. Screwdriver

  2. Tape measure

  3. Flash light

  4. Pliers

  5. Hand saw

  6. Hammer

  7. Spanner

  8. Clamp

  9. Comb

  10. Broom

  11. Needle

  12. Razor blade

  13. A pair of scissors

  14. Nail cutter

  15. Cooking stick

  16. Brush

  17. Shoe brush

Categorization of Household hand tool according to their uses.

House hold hand tools are used to perform different tasks around the house.

Household tools are categorized based on the following;

  1. Measuring tools.

    They are hand held tools used to measure a physical quantity.

  2. Marking tools

  3. They are handheld implements used to mark on a job or work piece to obtain accurate size and shape before cutting.

  4. Cutting tools

    They are handheld implements used in manual operations such as chopping, shaping, trimming among other operations.

  5. Boring tool

    They are handheld implements used to make holes such as sewing in a material.

  6. Driving tools

    They are handheld tools used to drill, insert and drive screws, nuts and bolts into surfaces.

  7. Holding Tools

    They are handheld implements used to firmly hold a piece of work when carrying out a task.

  8. Cleaning tools.

    They are hand held implements used for removing dirt from surfaces.

  9. Scooping tools.

    They are handheld implements consisting of a curved container and a handle for lifting loose materials

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