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Grade 7- Guidelines to Follow when Making a Presentation


Introduce yourself and member of the group to the audience.

Give the tittle of the presentation.

Body of the presentation

  1. Discuss the meaning of the arts

  2. Give as many examples of the arts as possible

  3. Show actual samples, pictures or drawing to emphasize your points

  4. Demonstrate where necessary


  1. Ask the audience whether there are questions of contributions

  2. Answer the questions confidently, ask Answer the questions confidently, ask other group members, the audience of other group members, the audience of the teacher if you are not able to give a response to the question. The teacher if you are not able to give a response to the question.

  3. When there are not more questions, thank the audience for the coWhen there are not more questions, thank the audience for the co-- operation. operation.

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