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Grade 7- Global Governance

Leaders must follow certain principles for good governance in a country. This is very important in promoting development and well-being of the society.

Leaders must also practice integrity at all times when in the office.

Principles of Leadership and integrity.

The following are principles of leadership and integrity:

  1. Integrity.

  2. Honesty.

  3. Openness and Transparent.

  4. Accountability.

  5. Impartial.

  6. Selfless.

  7. Public participation.

  8. Competence and sustainability.

  9. Commitment.

  10. Participation and representation.

  11. Rule of law.

  12. Objectivity.

Formation of Organization of African Unity (OAU) and African Union (AU)

The Organization of African Unity (OAU) was formed as a result of conference convened by Kwame Nkrumah and other African leaders between 1955 and 1963.

Who were the founders of OAU?

The founder of OAU was Kwame Nkurumah from Ghana, Haille Selassie from Ethiopia, Julius Nyerere from Tanzania, Gamal Abdel Nasser from Egypt, Leopolld Sedar Senghor from Senegal and Ahmed Bella Ben from Algeria.

Why was OAU formed?

  • The OAU was formed to foster unity among African states. The aim was to identify ways of achieving political, economic and social freedoms from the colonialists.

  • On 25th May 1963, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia the heads of independent African states signed he OAU charter.

When did OAU change to African Union (AU)?

  • OAU changed to African Union (AU) in 2002.

  • All African states are members of AU.

  • The African Union (AU) WAS FORMED IN 2002 AFTER THE Organization of African Unity (OAU) summit in Durban, South Africa.

  • The leaders of OAU resolved to change to AU because OAU had failed to meet some of its objectives. It had failed to resolve emerging issues.

  • The first chairman of AU was Thabo Mbeki.

  • All African states are members of the African Union.

  • The chairperson of AU is elected by the African Union Legislative Assembly for a four-year term.

Achievements of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) and African Union (AU)

  1. It liberated countries such as Mozambique, Angola, South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe and Guinea Bissau from colonial rule.

  2. It has created Continental African Free Trade Area. (AFCFTA) which was endorsed at the AU summit in Niamey in 2021. The AFCFTA will be the world’s largest free trade area.

  3. It helped to secure over 1 billion Covid-19 doses from manufactures abroad to vaccinate the African population.

  4. It has promoted the use of African languages like Swahili in its official meeting.

  5. It assisted member states like Somali, Ethiopia and Eritrea resolve their border disputes.

Challenges of the OF Organisation of African Unity (OAU) and African Union (AU)

  1. Terror groups inhibiting tourism

  2. Diseases-related deaths

  3. Ungovernable states due to political instability

  4. Border disputes leading to deaths

  5. Infrastructure challenges

Member countries of the African Union.

Morocco was the only African country that was part of the United Nations but not OAU. This was mainly because of the 1984 admission of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic as a full member of the OAU. However, Morocco joined the AU in September 2016. Currently African Union has all the 55 Africa member states.

Organizational structure of the African Union.

The union is divided into various organs that include;

1. Assembly.

2. Executive council.

3. Commission.

4. Permanent Representatives’ Committee.

5. Peace and Security Council.

6. Pan-African Parliament.

7. Economic, Social and Cultural Council.

8. Court of Justice.

9. Specialized Technical Committee.

10. Financial Institutions.

The AU Commission is an organ of the African Union which has executive functions.

He Commission is a key organ that plays a central role in the day-to-day operations of the African Union.

Factors which promote Continental Interconnectedness and Interdependence.

  1. Transport and network

  2. Common infrastructure network such as roads, dams and sports

  3. Health

  4. Continental free trade area

  5. Education

  6. Agricultural programs

  7. Music and art

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