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Grade 7- Global Citizenship

  • A global citizen refers to someone who is aware and understands the world

  • A global citizen takes an active role in making the world peaceful, sustainable and fairer.

  • Interconnectedness and Interdependence among Countries in the World.

  • Global citizenship is the idea that one’s identity goes beyond the geographical region or political borders.

  • Globalization refers to interaction and integration of people in different areas of the world for economic, social and political reasons.

  • Interdependence refers to the state of being connected with each other or relying on one another for mutual benefit.

  • The dependence of two or more people or things on each other.

  • Interconnectedness refers to ability to understand and function in ana increasingly multicultural and international environment to foster the development of individuals and nations in a diverse society.

Reasons for interconnectedness and interdependence among countries in the world.

  1. Trading.

  2. Technology.

  3. Tourism.

  4. Better medical care.

  5. Investments.

  6. Education.

  7. Employment.

  8. Peacekeeping missions.

  9. Sports reasons.

Positive and Negative Effects of Globalization at Local and National Levels.

Positive effects of globalization include;

  1. Improvement of the economy.

  2. Led to poverty reduction and general development of some countries.

  3. Creation of employment opportunities or jobs.

  4. There is greater access to technology due to sharing.

  5. There is cultural diversity due to ease in movement around the world

  6. Enable easy communication and flow of information around the world.

  7. Has enables importation of cheap and affordable goods.

  8. Has led to access to new talents.

  9. Led to access to new markets.

Negative Effects of Globalization include

  1. Loss of cultural identity due to integration.

  2. Widens the gap between developed countries and the developing countries.

  3. It has led to collapsing of the local industries.

  4. Has led to unequal business growth.

  5. It has also led to job displacement where people involuntarily losses jobs due to closure of firms.

Qualities of a Global Citizen in the Modern Society

  1. Should understand other people and have empathy.

  2. Should act fairly in his or her choices and decisions.

  3. Believes that all people are equal.

  4. Accepts differences among people.

  5. Cooperatives with others.

  6. Should be curious and ants to know about others.

  7. Should be open minded and confident.

  8. Should be able to respect the universal human rights.

  9. Should conserve the environment.

  10. Believes in making positive changes in the world.

  11. Should advocate for peace in all areas.

  12. Should be adaptable and flexible to any global challenges

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