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Grade 7- Economic Organization of Selected African Communities up to 1900

Economic activities practiced by the Ogiek community up to 1900.

The Ogiek practiced bee keeping as an economic activity. The building of beehives,

harvesting, and collecting of honey was traditionally considered a man’s activity.

Honey was also traded with the neighbouring communities such as the Kipsigis.

Traditionally, meat was the main source of food for the Ogiek. They hunted and trapped wild animals. Various tools were used, including: clubs, spears, bows and arrows.

 The ogiek practiced crop farming. They grew vegetables, maize, beans and potatoes.

They also reared livestock such as cows, sheep and goats.

They traded with their neighbouring communities such as the Maasai, the Agikuyu and the Kipsigis.

The Ogiek were Iron workers and made weapons for hunting and farming tools such as spears, arrows heads, hoes and machetes.

Economic Activities Practiced by the Zulu Community

  • They depended on cattle and crop farming for livelihood.

  • Crop farming and fields ere a reserve of women in the Zulu community while cattle were tended by men.

  • The Zulu grew crops such as mealies, kaffir corn, pumpkins, watermelons, calabashes, tubers and beans. There was an annual First Fruits Ceremony where the king took part in blessing the new crops. First fruit ceremony in Zulu marked a time of prosperity in the good harvest experienced after a season of agricultural period. It also brought together the Zulu community and ended fears of famine.

  • Men were respected depending on the number of cattle they owned.

  • Cattle provided meat and Amasi (a form of sour milk), hides for clothing and shields as well as means of getting many wives through bride price (Lobola)

  • The Zulu practiced traditional crafts such as beadwork. Wearing many beads was a symbol of wealth.

  • The Zulu were also iron workers. They made weapons such as arrow heads, spears and agricultural equipment such as hoe and machetes.

Economic Activities practiced by the Asante.

  1. Gold mining was one of the major economic activities in the Asante community.

  2. Slaves from conquered areas worked in the gold mines.

  3. Most gold mines were owned by the Asantehene. Other were owned by the Omanhene who remitted taxes to the state.

  4. The Asante practiced basketry and pottery.

  5. Asante were iron workers. They made fish books, hoes and swords.

  6. Another main economic activity among the Asante was Trade. They traded among themselves and with their neighbours in Hausaland and Niger areas.

  7. They also took part in the Trans-Atlantic trade.

  8. The Asante also practiced crop farming. They grew kolanuts, yams, fruits and grains.

  9. They also reared livestock such as cattle, goats and sheep.

  10. Those who lived along the coast and rivers practiced fishing.

  11. The Asante also practiced hunting and gathering in the forested areas.

Comparing the economic activities of the Ogiek, Zulu and Asante.

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