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Grade 7- Dribbling in Handball

Dribbling – it is a technique in handball where the player bounces the ball on the ground once or repeatedly.

Types of handball dribbling

1. High dribble

2. Low dribble

Demonstrating low dribble

  1. Stand with the feet shoulder-width apart

  2. The knees should be slightly bent and body weight on the balls of the feet

  3. Push the ball downwards using the wrist and the fingers for better control

  4. The arm of the non- dribbling hand should be extended outwards from the body for balance

  5. Use a pump like action to bounce the ball repeatedly with the enough force so that it bounces slightly above knee level.

This constitutes a low level.

  1. Control the ball by flexing the wrist and the fingers

  2. Bounce the ball below knee level for a low dribble

  3. Keep the head up and avoid looking at the ball

Learning points for high dribble

  1. Stand with the feet shoulder- width apart

  2. Keep erect with a slight lean forward and body weight on the balls of the feet

  3. Push the ball downwards using the wrist and the fingers for better control

  4. The arm of the non-dribbling hand should be extended outwards from the body for balance

  5. Use a pump like action to bounce the ball repeatedly with enough force so that it bounces slightly above knee level for a high.

This constitutes a high dribble.

Keep the head up and avoid looking at the ball.

Drills of dribbling in handball

Drill 1: Step and dribble

  1. Take three steps, make one dribble and take three more steps.

  2. Increase the number of dribbles between three- step sections

  3. At the end of the sequence, make a shot or a pass

Drill 2: Walking drill

  1. Walk across the court with a ball five times making a high dribble

  2. Repeat the drill using a low dribble

Drill 3: The cone drill

  1. Place seven cones in a line 1.5m apart

  2. In groups of five, practice zigzag movement pattern in and out of the cones one at a time

  3. Start with a low dribble and later a high dribble

  4. As you perfect the dribble, make more challenging by shortening the distance between the cones

Drill 4:The court drill

Individually dribble a ball along a court marking using high and low dribbles. Use a movement pattern of three high dribble and three low dribbles.

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