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Grade 7- Career Pathways in the Arts

Career Pathways

is an area of study taken so as to lead and prepare someone for a specific career. The arts is a wide a field that has very many opportunities. Careers in the art range from traditional fine art emerging digital and media design. The artist, therefore, h as an opportunity to choose a career pathway that is interesting and suits their individual abilities in the world of work.

Careers Path in Secondary School

The arts are offered as two subjects in lower secondary: performing and Visual arts.

Performing arts include:

  1. Music

  2. Dance

  3. Theatre and film

Visual and Applied Art

Fine art

Applied art

Time Based Media

Pupil’s activities Pg. 10

Presentation on career pathways in the Art

When making a presentation on the career in the arts, follow the same procedure as in the categories of the arts. Make sure you have done good research and that you have enough point for the presentation. Present your points in a simple and clear language that everyone will understand. Present your points in the simple and clear language that everyone will understand. Be careful when talking in a simple and eye contact with your audience. Respect others and appreciate their contributions.

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