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Grade 7- Animal Handling- Agriculture

Forms of animal handling (humane methods)

The objective of humane animal handling is to move animals with minimum stress to both the animals and handler. Considerate handling reduces the risk to the animal of pain, injury and suffering.

Planning the restraint procedure

When preparing to restrain a patient, always make sure the area has enough room, is clean, dry, and well lit

  1. A plan should be discussed:

  2. Move any costly equipment

  3. Nonslip area

  4. Temperature should be considered

  5. What should be done if animal happens to get away from restrainer

  6. Back up plan (Plan B!)

Rabbit Restraint & Handling

Picking Up

Grab scruff of the neck with one hand and lifting up while placing the other hand under the rump for support or wrap patient securely in a towel.


Use the same technique but the hand under the rump is moved to support the abdomen.

Rabbits seldom bite but many cause injury with their hind legs or may be injured if placed on a smooth surface

Rabbit’s foot pads are covered with fur which causes a lack of traction

Can lead to dislocation of their hip or spinal fracture, when they try to move or hop

Rodents Restraint & Handling


Grasp the tail close to the body with one hand

Use the other hand to grasp loose skin in the neck and shoulder area.

Larger Rodents and Ferrets

  • Make sure the animal is awake to avoid bites

  • Hold in one hand, cup other over its head

  • Wrap thumb and index

  • finger around neck and under chin

  • Do not over tighten fingers around chest as this can impair breathing

Avian Restraint


  • Highly trained personnel

  • Can stress easily

  • Do not squeeze thorax

  • Sensitive to overheating

Small to medium sized

  • Grasp from behind, finger and thumb on sides of head, others around body

  • Large birds require 2 hands

  • Towel can also be used

Cats Restraint & Handling

  • Cats tend to be one of the most difficult during restraint when they become upset and aggressive from stress

  • Safely restrain and have control over head

  • Cat bags: control the limbs and head

  • Squeeze cages: wire boxes with small slots that allow injections to be given

  • Inhuman handling of animals in the community

Solutions to animal’s mistreatment

  1. Be an example of kindness to other pets. ...

  2. Intervene if you witness animal cruelty, abuse or neglect. ...

  3. Report animal cruelty, abuse or neglect. ...

  4. Teach your children to have respect for animals. ...

  5. Demand stricter laws for the protection of animals. ...

  6. Shelter an animal in need.

Importance of Human treatment of animals

  1. Improved levels of animal health and care will deliver better animal welfare, more efficient livestock production, safer animal-sourced foods and healthier, improved livelihoods.

  2. Animals that are well fed and watered, kept in clean and comfortable conditions, and that are handled well with opportunities to express important behaviours are less likely to die prematurely or show poor growth than less well cared for animals.

  3. They are more productive with more efficient use of resources such as time, labour and feed for livestock production bringing benefits including improved food security and greater income.

  4. Furthermore, avoiding stress before slaughter reduces contamination of meat with harmful bacteria and affects the quality, and value of the meat.

  5. Animal welfare is therefore also environmental protection. However, it is not only animals in stables or private households that need to be protected, but also animals in the wild. There they need above all plenty of space, clean water, fresh air, and sufficient food and shelter.

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