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Grade 7- Agriculture

Crops grown and animals kept in the Rift valley of East Africa, Egypt and Nubia during Early Agriculture.

Crops that were grown in the rift valley of East Africa, Egypt and Nubia include:

  • Rice.

  • Flax.

  • Barley.

  • Wheat.

  • Cotton.

  • Sorghum.

  • Fruits.

  • Beans.

  • Vegetables.

  • Cucumber.

  • Onions.

  • Lentils.

  • Dates.

  • Figs.

  • Henna.

  • Grapes.

  • Finger millet.

Animals that were domesticated in the rift valley of East Africa, Egypt and Nubia include:

  • Caprines.

  • Cattle.

  • Sheep.

  • Goats.

  • Donkey.

  • Poultry.

  • Bees.

Methods of irrigation used in ancient Egypt. Methods of irrigation used in ancient Egypt.

a) Shadoof irrigation.

  1. The farmer collects water using a bucket or a vessel tied with a rope to one end of a long stick.

  2. The stick was operated like a see-saw balancing with the weight on the other end.

  3. The vessel was lowered into the river to collect water which was then poured onto the nearby farms.

Basin Flooding Irrigation.

  1. When river Nile started flooding it brought silt along with it.

  2. As the flood retreated, some water and silt was deposited in the surface.

  3. The land was then tilled and cultivated.

Canal Irrigation

Farmers made canals that were used to irrigate their land with flood waters from River Nile.

Contributions of River Nile valley agriculture to the word.

  1. Invention of different methods of irrigating dry plants- This led to innovation of basin, canal and shadoof irrigation systems.

  2. Growing of fibre crops- They were wrappers during the preservation of mummies. They also led to growth of industries.

  3. Construction of tombs in the valley of Kings and pyramids such as Pyramid of Giza- They are great inspiration to modern architecture. They also attracted tourists.

  4. Invention of language and mathematics. This introduced formal writing and invention of modern-day paper.

  5. Invention of hieroglyphics- This enabled Egyptians to invent calendar and keep farm records. The knowledge also helped in the construction of pyramids.

  6. Invention of nilometre- This helped determine the level of flooding of Nile which was useful in agriculture. Major cities have grown along River Nile.

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