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Grade 7- African Diasporas

Diaspora word originated from a Greek term ‘diaspeirein’ which means “scatter across.”

Diaspora refers to a scattered population whose origin lies in a different geographical area.

Asylum refers to a person seeking protection in foreign country due to persecution and serious human rights violation in his or her own country. An asylum seeker usually flees from his or her country after facing threats to his life or security.

Factors that contributed to the presence of African Diasporas across the World.

  1. Trans-Atlantic trade.

  2. Refugees.

  3. Search for education opportunities.

  4. African seeking asylum due to political instability and community hostility.

  5. Search for employment opportunities.

  6. Assimilation in France.

Role of the African diasporas in the political development in Africa.

  1. Africans in diaspora play an important role in the political development in Africa.

  2. They help formulate policies that improve the political environment in their home countries.

  3. They also help in voting during general elections.

  4. They help in funding political parties during elections.

  5. They protect political asylum in the diaspora.

  6. They help in pushing for political changes in countries that have leaders who abuse power.

  7. They provide funds to organizations that help in civic education.

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