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Grade 6- Traditional forms of government in Eastern Africa

A. Traditional form of government of the Buganda kingdom

Buganda kingdom was located to the Northwest of Lk. Victoria and Southwest of Lk. Kyoga.

It had its capital at Mengo in present day Kampala. It was ruled by hereditary kings whose title was Kabaka.

It had a centralized government headed by a King. Leadership was hereditary i.e from father to son. Kabaka's symbol of office was royal fire, royal drums, shield and stool. The kingdom had a parliament called Lukiiko.

The king was helped by some officials that include;

Katikiro - Prime Minister

Omulamuzi - Chief Justice

Omwanika - Treasurer or Finance Minister

The king was also assisted by a council of elders called Bataka

The king was called Ssebataka meaning head of Bataka.

The king as the Commander-in-Chief was assisted by Muyasi the army Commander and Gabuya as the Navy Commander

To make administration easier the kindgom was divided into the following units.

Counties (Districts) - Ssaza chiefs

Sub-Counties (Gombolola) - Gombolola Chiefs

Vitongole- Batangole

Villages- Muruka

B. Traditional form of government of the Nyamwezi

The Nyamwezi people are Bantus in Central Tanzania.

They are believed to have come from the west (the direction of the moon) where they got their name "Nyamwezi" people of the moon.

Before the coming of Europeans, they were ruled by chiefs called Ntemi or Mutemi.

Several villages put together, formed Gunguli headed by Ntemi or Mutemi.

Ntemi was helped by a council of elders called Wanyamphala.

Ntemi was also assisted by other officials like;

  1. Minule - Tax collector

  2. Mganwe - Ritual leader

  3. Wanyikulu - Religious official

  4. Kikoma - Information Officer

  5. Mtwale - Army officer

Similarities between the Buganda and Nyamwezi traditional forms of government

  1. In both leadership was hereditary.

  2. In both power was controlled under the head leader.

  3. Both Kabaka of Buganda and Ntemi of Nyamwezi controlled trade.

  4. In both the head leader was the Commander-in-chief of the Army

Differences between the Buganda and Nyamwezi traditional forms of government

  1. Buganda was ruled by hereditary king while Nyamwezi was ruled by hereditary chiefs.

  2. Buganda was a kingdom while Nyamwezi was a Chiefdom.

Aspects of good governance in traditional societies

Good governance means good qualities in leadership that lead to good results

Good governance means that the institution or the society produces results that meet the needs and the expectation of the people.

Some of the aspects of good governance include.

  1. Using community resources well without misusing.

  2. Setting good example through moral behaviour.

  3. Observing the laws of the society.

  4. Respecting other people's views and opinions.

  5. Promoting dialogue in decision making.

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