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Grade 6- Melody- Creative Arts and Sports


Major scale in sol-fa syllables

Major scale is formed by the sol-fa syllables d, r, m, f, s, l, t, d'

A major scale consists of 8 sol-fa syllables.

Solfa syllables are used to name different pitches.

The names of the first 8 syllabes are d, r, m, f, s, l, t, d

We singing the pitches d, r, m, s, l, t, d going up and d, t, l ,s, m, r, d going down, the sounds give us a ladder called sol-fa ladder

  1. A solfa ladder is made up of sounds of different pitches moving up and down

  2. Singing from the lowest to the highest note is called ascending order(upwards)

  3. Singing the solfa from the highest note to the lowest is called descending order (downwards)

  4. Sol-fa pitches l, t, d1 are higher in pitch than d, r, m, f and s

  5. The apostrophe placed after the note shows that it is higher in pitch

  6. The first and the eight sol-fa syllables are repeated. The eighth sol-fa syllables is higher in pitch than the first sol-fa syllable, that is why it has an apostrophe after it.

  7. The major scale can be sang or played ascending and descending

  8. Different sol-fa syllables are combined to form tunes or melodies

Sol-fa hand signs

Pupil’s Activity

Page 87-90

We can also recognize syllables by using hand signs

Aural recognition of sol-fa sounds

Pupil’s Activity

Page 89-91

  • Sol-fa pitches in songs can be recognised by the ear

  • In order to recognise sol-fa syllables accurately you need to train your ear

  • Listen to songs repeatedly so that you become familiar with it

  • As you hum the tune of the song relate the sounds to those of the major scale

  • The skill of recognising sol-fa syllables in songs is learnt through constant practise

Joy to the world, the Lord is come

Let earth receive her King

Let every heart prepare Him room

And heaven and nature sing

And heaven and nature sing

And heaven, and heaven and nature sing

Joy to the world, the Savior reigns

Let all their songs employ

While fields and floods

Rocks, hills and plains

Repeat the sounding joy

Repeat the sounding joy

Repeat, repeat the sounding joy

Here we go

Joy, unspeakable joy

An overflowing wellNo tongue can tell

Joy, unspeakable joy

It rises in my soul

Never lets me go

He rules the world, with truth and grace

And makes the nations prove

The glories of His righteousness

And wonders of His loveAnd wonders of His love

And wonders, wonders of His loveJoy!

Joy, unspeakable joy

An overflowing well

No tongue can tell

Joy, unspeakable joyIt rises in my soul

Never lets me go

Creating short melodies

Creating by exact repetition

Pupil’s activity

Page 91-92

Melodies can be created by repeating sol-fa syllables and rhythms without changing anything.

This method is called exact repetition

The first part of the melody is called an idea. The second part, which is repeat of the first is called the answer

In this method, there exist exact similarity between the answer and the idea

Creating by changing the sol-fa syllables

Pupil’s activity

Page 93-94

Melodies can be created by using the same rhythm but changing the sol-fa syllables

Melodies can also be created by keeping the sol-fa syllables but changing the rhythm

This method is called varied repetition

The answer is similar to the idea but with a slight variations

Performing created melodies

By singing

Pupil’s Activities

Page 94-95

  1. Melodies can be created and performed through singing

  2. When singing melodies, ensure that you

  3. Perform the rhythms accurately

  4. Maintain a steady beat

  5. Sing each of the pitches correctly

  6. Maintain steady flow

  7. Take a deep breath before starting and sing to the end

  8. Have  an appropriate and comfortable posture

Performing created melodies using a descant recorder

Pupil’s Activity

Page 95-96

  1. Melodies can be created and performed on a descant recorder

  2. When performing melodies on the descant recorder, ensure that

  3. You use the correct finger positions for each of the notes

  4. The tone produced on the descant recorder is good

  5. You exercise good breath control to enable you to play through to the end without stopping

  6. You observe hygiene to prevent infections

  7. The posture used is the correct one

Appreciation of melodies

  1. Create simple melodies and perform them for entertainment

  2. Guide one another to play the melodies on a descant recorder

  3. Play the melodies during school functions and national days

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