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Grade 6- Language Groups in Eastern Africa

Population is the number of people living in an area. -

People in Eastern Africa are grouped according to their languages. A group of people who speak almost a similar language is called a language group.

There are four main language groups in Eastern Africa. They include the following.

  1. The Bantus - the largest

  2. The Nilotes

  3. The Cushites

  4. The Semites

A. The Bantus

The Bantus migrated from Congo forest. They were cultivators.

Language group



Chagga,Hutu, Baganda Abaluhya, Tutsi, Sukuma, Abakuria, Basoga, Gogo, Aembu, Bagishu, Hehe, Akamba, Banyore, Zaramo, Pare, Taita, nyamwzi, Makonde, Ngoni, Agikuyu, Batoro, Mijikenda


Luo, Alur, Lang’o, Dinka, Nuer, Anuak, Shiluk, Japadhola, Lagbara, Kipsigis, Nandi, Tugen, Sebei, Keiyo, Pokot, Marakwet, Ogiek


Borane, Sanye, Somali, Oromo, Renndile, Ogaden, Beja, Hawiya, Galla, Isaaq,

Sandawa, Burungu


Amhara, Tigre, Bagarra, Falasha, Bagakko, Kababish.

Girghe, Arabs, Nubians and Adere

The Bantu communities found in Eastern Africa are:

KENYA:- Abaluhya, Abagusii, Abakuria, Agikuyu, Ameru, Aembu, Mbeere, Akamba, Taita, Pokomo, Mijikenda

UGANDA:- Baganda, Banyankole, Basoga, Bagisu, Batoro, Banyoro

TANZANIA:- Chagga, Sukuma, Gogo, Hehe, Ngoni, Yao, Ha, Makonde, Zaramo, Wapare, Wafipa, Nyamwezi


Migration is the movement of people from one place to settle in another place People migrate from one place to another with various reasons


The Bantu moved into the Eastern Africa from western Africa.

They later moved and first settled in Cameroon and later Congo before moving to eastern Africa

Bantus are divided into two groups which include

  1. Western Bantus

  2. Eastern Bantus

Later some groups moved into Western Kenya.

Eastern Bantus followed Lake Kivu and Lake Edward routes.

They settled in Rwanda and Burundi and some moved into Northern and Central Tanzania. Some later moved into Kenya and settled in the highland of the coastal regions.

Reasons for the migration of Bantus to Eastern Africa

  1. Search for fertile land

  2. Population increase and pressure

  3. Outbreak of diseases

  4. Drought and famine

  5. Internal Disputes

  6. Attacks from the hostile neighbours.

B. The Nilotes

The Nilotes migrated from Southern Sudan. The Nilotes are divided into three

  1. Highland Nilotes

  2. Plain Nilotes

  3. River-lake Nilotes

Nilotes found in Eastern Africa area Kenya

The Nilotic speaking groups into Eastern Africa along the River Nile from where they got their Name Nilotes.


The River Lake Nilotes

They moved into two groups, the first groups settled in South Sudan while the second groups moved southwards and settled in Uganda and some moved to western Kenya and settle near Lake Victoria.

The highland Nilotes

They migrated from southern Sudan and settled around Mt Elgon in Kenya and Uganda.

Later some moved and settled in highland west of rift valley in Kenya.

The Plain Nilotes

They moved from South Sudan into the Northern Uganda and around Lake Turkana in Kenya. Some moved further into southern part of Kenya and entered northern Tanzania from Kenya.

Highland Nilotes:- Kipsigis, Nandi, Tugen, Keiyo, Pokot, Bok, Bongomek, Sabaot, Terik, Ogiek, Marakwet

River lake Nilotes:- Luo

Plain Nilotes:- Samburu, Maasai, Iteso, Njemps, Turkana

b) Uganda

Highland Nilotes:- Sebei

River lake Nilotes:- Alur, Lugbara, Lango, Jopadhola, Acholi

Plain Nilotes:- Karamajong, Jie, Iteso

c) Tanzania

Highland Nilotes:- Dadoga

Plain Nilotes:- Maasai

d) South Sudan

River lake Nilotes:- Dinka, Nuer, Anuak, Ajur, Chilluk

Reasons for the migration of Nilotes

  1. Search for water and pasture (main)

  2. Attacks by diseases both for their livestock and people

  3. Internal disputes

  4. Outbreak of drought and famine

  5. Attacks from the hostile neighbours

C. Cushites

The cushites language group moved into eastern Africa from Arabia.

Some of the groups moved and settled towards Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya.

The earlier Cushitic groups such as the Iraq settled in Tanzania.

The Semites are the mixed origin (African, Arabic and Jewish).

They intermarried with the African communities to form new language group.

The groups spread out and settled in Ethiopia, Djibouti, Eritrea and Sudan.

The Cushites entered Eastern Africa from the Horn of Africa. They are nomadic pastoralists.

They are divided into two;

  1. The Eastern Cushites

  2. The Southern Cushites

Eastern Cushites include:-

Somali, Gabbra, Borana, Burji, Oromo, Orma, Rendile, Afar

Southern Cushites are:-

Dahalo, Sanye, Hawa, Mbugu, Aramanik, Iraqw, Burungu


Reasons for the migration of Cushites

  1. Search for water and pasture

  2. Attacks from hostile neighbours

  3. Outbreak of diseases

D. Semites

Semites in Eastern Africa originated from South Arabia, others from Asian countries.

Semites mainly moved into Eastern Africa to trade.

Examples of Semites are:

  1. Amharas

  2. Tigerians

  3. Arabs

  4. Nubian

  5. Farasha

The Movement and settlement of language groups in eastern Africa

The different language groups in Eastern Africa migrated from their places of different language groups.

Effect of migration and settlement of selected language groups of eastern Africa

  1. It led to intermarriage between different communities

  2. Adoption of different cultures

  3. Inter community trade

  4. Outbreak of wars, as some communities tried to displace other communities for settlement

  5. Promotion of trade

  6. Introduction of new farming methods

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