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Grade 6- Human Rights in Kenya

Human rights are basic and freedom that belong to every person in the world from birth until death.

Classifications of Human Rights

Human rights can be classified into three categories.

These are political, social and economic rights

Political Rights

  1. Freedom of worship

  2. Right to life

  3. Right to fair trial

  4. Right to equality

  5. Right to vote

  6. Freedom of speech

  7. Freedom of movement

  8. Freedom of association

Social Rights

  1. Right to privacy

  2. Right to education

  3. Right to health care

  4. Right to food

  5. Right to clean environment.

  6. Right to recreation.

  7. Right to leisure.

  8. Right to marry and raise a family.

  9. Right to clean water

  10. Right to shelter or improper housing

Economic Rights

  1. Right to own property

  2. Right to trade

  3. Right to work

  4. Right to belong to workers' union.

  5. Right to fair wages and equal pay


Ways in which human rights are violated in the society

  1. Child labour

  2. Rape and defilement

  3. Wrongful arrest

  4. Torture

  5. Discrimination

  6. Favouritism

  7. Denying people food

  8. Cyber bullying

  9. Outdated cultural practices like Female Genital Mutilation (FMG) and early pregnancies

  10. Female genital mutilation

  11. Mob justice.

  12. Illegal arrest without trial.

  13. Denying children opportunity to go to school

  14. Exposing children to drugs and substance use

Demonstrating Respect for Human Rights in Kenya

  1. Applying the laws equally.

  2. Allowing children to access education

  3. Respecting other people's opinion.

  4. Teaching people through public awareness on their rights Condemning and banning all outdated cultural activities.

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