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Grade 6- Historic Built Environment in Eastern Africa

Historic Built Environment - refer to features made by people. These features have a historic value.

They include museums, monuments and historical building.


The main Historic Built Environment in Eastern Africa

  1. Kigali Genocide Memorial Museum in Rwanda.

  2. Fort Jesus Museum in Kenya.

  3. Namugongo shrine in Uganda.

  4. Independent monument in Burundi.

  5. St. Francis of Asisi monument in Eritrea.

  6. John Garang Mausoleum South Sudan.

  7. Askari monument in Tanzania.

  8. Victoria monument in Ethiopia.


Importance of the main historic environment in Eastern Africa

  1. It creates a sense of belonging and connection with the past

  2. The historic built environment attract tourist and earn us foreign exchange

  3. Many people are employed to work in the historic buildings e.g. museums and monuments.

  4. They serve as source of learning centres.

  5. They enable social interactions with family and friends.


Learners in groups compose poems of the important of historical environment and recite in class.

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