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Grade 6- High Jump and Long Jump

Facilities and Equipment in High Jump.

Facility used in high jump is a space where a runaway is marked.

There is a landing area where suitable materials for landing is placed. For example, sawdust,

landing mattresses etc.

The equipment includes:

  1. Crossbar

  2. Uprights.

  3. Tape measure.

High jump rules to observe:

  1. Do not touch the ground beyond the plane of the upright and the landing area before clearing the cross bar.

  2. Take off should be on one foot.

  3. Do not dislodge the bar during a jump.

Safety instructions in High jump

  1. Make sure there is proper spacing during practice.

  2. Wear protective PHE attire during the training activity.

  3. Follow the instructions given.

  4. Make sure the runway is free from obstacles.

  5. Use a flat ground for practice.

  6. Jump one learner at a time.

  7. Make sure the materials used in the landing area is in place before attempting any jump.

Perform the following warm up activities before participation.

  1. Jumping jacks.

  2. Skip and skip.

  3. Press-ups.

Scissor technique in High jump

This is a method of clearing the bar in high jump.

It involves the legs making a criss-cross action over the cross bar during flight.

The criss-crossing is what gives the technique its name scissor technique

  1. Approach stage- Approach the bar at comfortable speed.

  2. Take of stage- hold your shoulders high and flex your take off leg to launch a jump in the air.

  3. Flight stage – hold the leg nearer to the bar straight and swing it into the air to clear the bar. Once the lead leg is over the bar, kick the other foot to clear the bar.

  4. Landing stage – land on your feet to complete the jump.

Safety instructions

  1. Make sure there is enough space.

  2. Use proper PHE attires during the activity.

  3. Follow the instructions given by the teacher.

  4. Make sure the runway is free from obstacles.

  5. Make sure that you land on the landing area.

  6. In case the crossbar falls, place it back on the upright bars without throwing it back.

  7. Perform the following warm up activities.

Long Jump

Athletes combine speed, strength and ability to jump as far as possible from a take-off point.

The following are the sections of the long jump facility.

  1. Runway- the sprinting or approach area

  2. Take- off board -the point you jump from.

  3. Landing pit - a sand filled pit for safe landing

Equipment used in long jump include:

50 metres measuring tape

A rake for levelling the sand pit.

Long Jump Techniques.

Stages in long jump

Approach -athlete runs along the runway using quick long strides.

Take-off – placing one foot next to the take-off board or line and then lift the body off the


Flight –cycling action of the legs in the air to move the body.

Landing -contacting or touching down the landing pit area with both feet and knees bent.

Rules to observe for a good long jump

  1. Take off foot must not cross the takeoff board or line.

  2. Use quick long strides, when tunning along the runway during approach.

  3. Land on the pit with knees bent and head leaning forward with the hands in front.

Safety measures to observe as you participate in long jump technique activities.

  1. Ensure that the long jump facility is safe for use.

  2. When in groups, take turns to jump so as to avoid injuries.

  3. Follow your teacher’s instructions.

  4. Wear the right sports kit.

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