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Grade 6- Gymnastics: Creative Arts and Sports

Elbow stand

This is an inverted balance which uses the forearms as the base for the balance 

Safety instructions

  • Warm up before performing any gymnastics activity

  • Perform the activities in an open flat and safe place

  • Have proper sports attire, loose fitting and comfortable clothing

  • You can participate with a partner for support

  • If you lose balance while in the inverted position, quickly bring one or both feet to the ground underneath you, if you are falling backwards.

  • Do not hold the elbow stand balance for more than 30 seconds.

Warm up activities

  • Jog and jump

  • Jog on the spot for 30 seconds. Then jump on the stop for 30 seconds.

Bear crawl

  • Bend all four limbs

  • Move forward by moving the right hand and the left leg at the same time in a crawling motion. The knees should not touch the ground.

  • Alternate side immediately after weight on the right hand and left leg, moving the left hand and right leg forward.

  • Continue in a crawling motion, moving forward 10 steps.

Side Stretch

  • In a standing position, clasp your hands above your head.

  • Gently lean your body to one side

  • Hold 10 seconds

  • Switch sides

Cool down activity

  • Cross body shoulder stretch

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart

  • Grab one arm above your elbow with your opposite hand. Pull it across your body towards your chest until you feel a stretch in your shoulder.

  • Keep your elbow below shoulder height

  • Hold for at least 30 seconds and then repeat on the other side

Learning points for the elbow stand

  1. Place your forearms on the floor with elbows shoulder width apart

  2. Your forearms should be parallel to each other.

  3. The forearms should be 25 centimetres apart. This will provide good stability.

  4. Bring your shoulders forward so that they are directly above the elbows

  5. Move the feet up as close to the elbows as possible and get on the balls of your feet to prepare to push off the floor

  6. To push of the floor, swing one leg up behind lifting your body into a vertical position

  7. Allow your leg to come behind the first one

  8. Once inverted, your head should be aligned with the rest of the body, positioned between the forearms with your eyes looking slightly beyond the fingers.

  9. Extend both of your legs up so that your body is completely upright, not leaning back or forward

  10. Straighten the knees and point the toes for proper alignment.

  11. Hold the pose for 30 seconds

  12. The more straight your body is, the easier it is to balance.

  13. Dive forward roll into squat stand

  14. Dive forward roll into squat stand is a gymnastics action that begins with a horizontal forward diving action.

  15. The dive action results in a forward roll which finishes with a squat stand.

  16. The roll can be used to recover from a fall safely.

Safety Instructions

  1. Perform the activities in an open flat and safe place

  2. Have proper attire, loose fitting and comfortable clothing

  3. Observe safety precautions when practising the dive forward roll into squat stand.

Warm up activities

Flying like an aeroplane within a marked area. Run with arms at the side. Moving like an aeroplane.

Arm circles

Move your arms in big forward circles for 30 seconds. Then backwards for 30 seconds.

Walking toe touch

  1. Start  from a standing position

  2. Kick your right leg straight out in front of you and touch the toes with the left hand. Do not lean forward but keep the back straight.

  3. Alternate the legs as you walk forward for about 10 metres

Cool down activity.

Seated twist

  • Start from a sitting position with legs stretched out in front of you.

  • Bend right leg and cross it over the left leg, placing right foot on the floor near the knee of the left leg.

  • Twist from the hips and place left elbow on the outside of the right knee.

  • Repeat on the other side.

Learning points for dive forward roll into squat stand

  1. Take a run and gradually increasing speed.

  2. Hit off the floor with legs tight and feet together. Jump into the air with a straight body.

  3. At the moment of hitting the floor, the arms do a back circle and swing upwards.  This arm motion will help you to increase vertical height.

  4. Arch your body slightly while kicking the legs backwards.

  5. Keep the chin up with the arms slightly bent out to the side.

  6. Reach the floor in a nearly vertical position.

  7. Bent your arms slightly, roll forward and get into a tuck position.

  8. Stretch the hands out straight from the body and bend the legs to place the feet on the ground.

  9. Roll to the feet into a squat position. From the squat position stand up  with the arms outstretched above the head.

Fence vault

  1.  A fence vault is a gymnastic that allows a gymnast to jump over an object.

  2. The skill can be used to jump over an obstacle such as a fence, gate or wall.

Safety Precautions

  1. Do some warm up before performing any gymnastics activity.

  2. Use appropriate vaulting equipment and observe safety.

  3. Always perform a vaulting activity under supervision of an adult.

Warm up activities

Jump rope

Skip an imaginary rope for 30 seconds. Rest and then repeat.

Frog Jumps

  1. Jump like a frog. Touch the ground and reach for the sky during each jump.

  2. Knees to chest stretch

  3. Lie on your back

  4. Bring one knee to your chest

  5. Hold it in position with your hands for 20 seconds.

  6. Switch the knees

Cool down Activity

  1. Wide toe touch

  2. Stand with your feet wider than shoulder width apart and arms held out to your sides

  3. Swing right arm and tap left toes

  4. Return to starting position and repeat on the other side.

  5. Continue to alternate and count up to 10 times

Learning points for the fence vault

  1. Approach the vaulting box with a short run

  2. Jump and place the nearest hand on top of the vault box

  3. Swing your leg which is nearer the box over the box. Bring the other leg to join the first leg.

  4. As your legs go sideways over the box, transfer your weight from one hand to the other.

  5. Keep your legs straight and together as they pass over the box.

  6. Keep your legs straight and together as they pass over the box.

  7. Land softly with knees slightly bent or in a standing position.

Partner balance

Partner balances are gymnastics moves that require the participants to work in pairs or in threes

Safety instructions

  1. Have proper attire. Tightly fitting and comfortable clothing.

  2. Wear gymnastics shoes or be barefooted.

  3. Mount very carefully and slowly without hurting the base partner

  4. Practise using mats or padded areas.

  5. Partners should be similar size and weight. If a situation arises where the learners are unevenly sized, the smaller learner should always be the top.

  6. Partners should warm up before engaging in any physical activity.

  7. Partners should follow the teacher’s instructions or signals.

  8. Partners performing the pyramids should know their roles. They should use verbal communication to share information.

  9. Partners should perform as a team and trust each other as they are responsible for each other.

  10. When standing on a partner during the partner, step on the shoulders, knees or the bottoms. Do not step on the backbone to avoid injuring the partner.

Warm up activities

Butt kicks

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, with your arms at your side.

  2. Slowly bring your right heel to your bottom and then bring the foot down

  3. Slowly bring your left heel to your bottom

  4. Perform this motion a few more times. Alternating the heels. Gradually increase speed.

Side reach

  1. Stand with your feet wider than shoulder feet apart

  2. Learn your body to the right side, bending your right knee slightly. At the same time, stretch your left arm to the sky in a diagonal manner, in line with the rest of the body.

  3. Stretch your left leg long

  4. Repeat on the opposite side. Alternate and 5 repetitions.

Torso twists

  1. Stand tall with shoulder width apart and hands resting on your waist

  2. Twist from side to side about 90 degrees

  3. Move with the shoulder and hold the position for a few seconds at each side

Cool down activities

Arm stretch: breathe in slowly while stretching the arms out and up and breathe out slowly as the arms are lowered

Learning points for partner balances

  1. Partner balance can be performed either in a inverted or upright position.

  2. Partners must use counter balance through pushing or leaning or counter tension pulling to maintain position

Counter balance

A counterbalance is a balance where both you and your partner are doing an equal amount of work to hold each other up.

  1. If either of you let go, then you both fall down.

  2. In counterbalance the body weight and force are applied by each partner equally towards each other using a variety of body parts as points of contact.

  3. The balances enable you to perform friendships and do develop both partner and teamwork skills

Counter Tension

In counter tension, you and your partner support each other’s weght by pulling against each other.

Six action sequence

  1. Dive roll

  2. Forward roll

  3. Elbow stand

  4. Backward roll

  5. Hand balance/hand walk

  6. Hand balance

Safety Instructions

  1. Warm up before performing any gymnastics activity

  2. Have proper attire, loose fitting and comfortable clothing

  3. Observe safety

Warm up Activities

Lateral shuttle steps

  1. Stand with feet shoulder width apart

  2. Make a lateral step to the right with your right foot. Carry your left foot to where your right foot was.

  3. Then quickly step your left foot to the left and carry your right foot over to where your left foot was.

  4. Repeat this exercise for the desired number of repetitions.

Arm rotation

  1. Extend your arms out to the side and keep your palms facing down.

  2. Keep your arms straight and rotate them in backward circles

  3. After twenty seconds, rotate your arms in forward circles.

Knee bends

  1. Stand your feet shoulder width apart and your hands stretched out

  2. Lowe yourself by bending your knees

  3. Come up and repeat five times

Cool down activities

  1. Body stretch

  2. Sit with legs out in front

  3. Gently stretch to the right and then back, forward and then back, to the left and then back.

Learning points for six action sequence

  1. A six action sequence involves six gymnastics skills.

  2. The six skills are performed one after another in a smooth and coordinated flow.

  3. For example – swan balance, astride vault- forward roll round off-hand balance

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