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Grade 6- Culture and Social Organization

Culture is the way of life of a people. Aspects of culture are the elements or things that make up culture.

Aspects of culture include

  1. The way people dress

  2. The food they eat

  3. Initiation rites

  4. Language

  5. Wrestling

  6. The way of worship

  7. Traditional songs and dances

  8. Traditional education

  9. Games and Sports they play

  10. Burials and funerals

Aspect of African Tradition Culture that ought to be preserved

  1. Traditional food

  2. Traditional attire

  3. Wrestling

  4. Dance

  5. Games

  6. Worship ceremonies

  7. Festival

  8. Dances and language

Age groups and age sets

An age group is a group of young people who were born almost at the same time. Two or more age groups form an age set. Members of the same age set regarded each other like brothers. They did not marry each other's sisters. They helped one another during difficult times. Married women belonged to the age-set of their husbands.


clan is a group of people who share a common ancestor. Clan members respected each other. They did marry each other.

Functions of a clan

  1. Settling disputes among clan members

  2. Protecting its members from external attacks

  3. Allocating land to clan members

  4. Planning and conducting marriage and initiation ceremonies

  5. Setting rules in a clan

  6. Allocating lands to family members

  7. Educating the youth to become responsible members of the society

  8. Setting and maintaining moral values

  9. Solving dispute

  10. Punishing wrong doers

  11. Deciding the religious practices and beliefs of the clan

  12. Organising ceremonies and festivals

School and Community

school is an educational institution designed to provide learning to learners with the support of the teachers

Community is a group of people living in a same place or having a particular characteristic in common

Role of school to community

  1. The school employs members of the community to support staff. The school gives school facilities such as furniture, field, halls.

  2. The school educates children from the community to become responsible members of the community.

  3. The school promotes culture of the community through games, sports, music and drama festivals.

  4. The school provides facilities to the community like school bus.

Role of the community to the school

  1. The community donates land where the school is built.

  2. The community provides workers to the school.

  3. The community provides children to the school.

  4. Learners clean market centres

  5. The community helps the school in contributing to its physical development.

  6. Community appoint school representative for pupils v  Help in in harambee for school building

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