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Grade 6- Composing Melody

Singing d r m f s l t d.

The sol-fa syllables l t d are higher than d r m f s in pitch. When written on the sol-fa ladder, l t d are progressively higher in pitch as shown below.

l is the short form of the sol-fa syllable lah.

t is the short form of sol-fa syllable te the sol-fa ladder.

d r m f s l t d’ can be performed in ascending and descending order.

We may sing the sol-fa ladder using the following:

  1. The sol-fa syllabus

  2. Other syllables such as la, pa, mew, ta, ki.

  3. Vowel sounds: that is either a e I o u.

Every sol-fa syllable should be sung at the same pitch when ascending and when descending. ∙ We can also sing the sol-fa ladder with variations. For example, we can sing it with repletion of the same sound.

For example, we can sing d d d r r r m m m f f f s s s l l l t t t d d d∙

We can also sing the ladder to different rhythm patterns. We can sing a song using sol-fa syllable instead of words. ∙ It requires time and practice to perfect singing sol-fa syllables in a song. ∙ The sol-fa syllables help us to make associations between different pitches.

Performing d r m f s l t d” using hand signs

Each sol-fa syllable has a hand sign. ∙

The hand sign helps us to see and relate the pitches or sound of the sol-fa syllable.

Below are hand signs for sol-fa syllable l t and d’.

Other hand signs include:

Performing & appreciating melodies. ∙ When we create a melody or listen to one, we can perform it by either singing it or playing it on an instrument. ∙ Singing the sol-fa syllbles d r m f s l t d’ make a similar melody to that produced when you play C to C.

In this lesson, we shall take the pitch melody to be the sound produced when we play the note C on the descant recorder. ∙ We appreciate our own created melodies by performing them. ∙ We can sing them using sol-fa syllables or playing them on an instrument. ∙ We may also use a digital device to record the melodies when we are singing or playing.

The recordings, audio or video can then be presented to others. We appreciate melodies made by others by attentively listening when they are performed as well as applauding them when they are performed. ∙ We may also sing or play these melodies to show our appreciation

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