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Grade 5- Traditional leaders in Kenya


Leadership and Political change

A traditional leader is someone who was chosen by his or her community to lead them.

A traditional leader was someone who was famous for one reason or another. Sometimes they were wisemen and women. At other times they were brave warriors, famous medicine people or successful traders. they were obeyed and respected. People would go to them for advice and


Contribution of Traditional Leaders in Kenya

Kivoi wa Mwendwa

Kivoi wa Mwendwa was born in 1780 in Kitui. He was a great long distance trader who travelled between Mombasa and Mt. Elgon. He was able to organize hunting and raiding activities to acquire trade goods in the region When he took the goods to the coast, he exchanged them for clothes, cowrie shells, ornaments, knives, daggers, spices and glassware from Arab traders.

) In 1846, he met Dr. Krapf for the first time at Rabai andthey became great friends. ) In 1849, Dr. Krapf visited Chief Kivoi in his home in Kitui from where he saw a snow-capped mountain. It was amazing to find such information along the equator. When Ludwig Krapf inquired about it, Chief Kivoi informed himthat the name of the mountain was “Kinyaa”, which Krapf interpreted as Kenya, the present day name of our country. His Friendship with Dr. Krapf led to the spread of Christianity among his people.

Mekatilili wa Menza

She was born in 1840. She was a prophetess and a political leader of the Agiriama people Mekatilili was opposed to hut tax and forced labour, slavery, the destruction of the Kayas (traditional shrines) and recruitment of Giriama youths who were forced to work on European farms. She led her people to fight against the occupation of Giriama land along River Sabaki. ) They attacked European settlements and traders passing through their land. ) During the fight she was arrested and deported to Kisii. After this, the Agiriama lost their political power.) She escaped from Kisii prison and trekked back to Kilifi) She was re-arrested and deported to Kismayu in August 1914. She died in 1920. Mekatilili wa Menza was a famous army general and a great pride of the Agiriama community, an inspiration to present-day women due to her toiling spirit.

Differences and similarities between Kivoi wa Mwendwa and Mekatili wa




Both leaders were respected by their communities

Kivoi wa Mwendwa was a long distance trader while Mekatilili wa Menza was a prophetes.

Both leaders were symbols of unity to

their communities

Kivoi wa Mwendwa welcomed the European missionaries while Mekatilili wa Menza resisted them

Both leaders interacted with Europeans

Mekatilili wa Menza was arrested and deported to Kisii and Kismayu while Kivoi wa Mwendwa was not arrested.

Both leaders defended the welfare of their people

Kivoi wa Mwendwa was a chief while Mekatilili wa Menza was a military leader

Mekatilili wa Menza united her

people against the British through

oaths while Kivoi wa Mwendwa did

not give any oath.

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