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Grade 5- The Role of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit gives spiritual gifts to believers for the good of others.

The Holy Spirit purifies and enables believers to bear good fruits in their lives.

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Read 1 Corinthians 12:1-12

They include

  1. Knowledge

  2. Wisdom

  3. Preaching

  4. Faith

  5. Performing miracles

  6. Speaking in tongues

  7. Interpreting tongues

  8. Healing

  9. Differentiating Spirits

  10. Love.

How the fruits of the Holy Spirit helps in promoting God’s work.

Read Galatians 5:22-23.

Fruits of the Holy Spirit include

  1. Love

  2. Joy

  3. Peace

  4. Patience

  5. Kindness

  6. Goodness

  7. Faithfulness

  8. humility

  9. Self-control.

Values that influence the life of Christians from the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit.

  • Love helps us to assist the needy which is doing God’s work.

  • Self-control assists us to behave well.

  • Knowledge helps us to analyze the right from wrong.

  • Through the gifts and fruits, we are able to serve God and others.

  • We should pray to God to give us the Holy Spirit who helps us to do good things.

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