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Grade 5- The National Government in Kenya

Arms of the National Government and their Functions

The three arms of National Government in Kenya include:

The Legislature - Is the arm of the National Government that makes the laws that govern the country. These laws are contained in the constitution of Kenya.

The Executive - Is the arm of the National Government that runs the government. The president ensures that there is law and order in the country. This arm of the National Government comes up with policies of the government.

The Judiciary - Is the arm of the National Government that listens to cases brought to the courts and administers justice.

The Composition of the three arms of the National Government in Kenya

Composition of the the Legislature

a. National Assembly

  1. The speaker

  2. 290 elected members of parliament

  3. 47 elected women representatives

  4. 12 members nominated by political parties.

b. The senate

  1. The speaker

  2. 47 senators

  3. 16 women nominated by political parties.

  4. 2 youth representatives (male and female)

  5. 2 members representing people with disabilities (male and female)

Composition of the Executive

  1. The president

  2. The deputy president

  3. Cabinet secretaries

  4. Attorney General

  5. Public servants

Composition of the Judiciary

  1. The Chief Justice

  2. The Deputy Chief Justice

  3. The Chief Registrar

  4. Judges of the Supreme Court

  5. The Judicial Service Commission

  6. Other Judicial officers and staff

Participating in national governance

We take part in national governance by doing the following:

  1. Obeying the rules and laws of our country

  2. Encouraging people in the society to participate in democratic activities such as voting.

  3. Creating awareness on the importance of respecting human rights.

  4. Being good citizens and educating other people in the society on good citizenship.

  5. Supporting the elected leaders in the society.

  6. Encouraging our leaders to be fair and transparent in their leadership

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