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Grade 5- The Bible as a Guide

The holy bible is the word of God.

It should be handled with care and respect.

It is used by Christians as a guide on their day-to-day activities.

Different uses of the Holy Bible as a Guide

(Read Joshua 1:8, 2 Timothy 3:16 and Deuteronomy 6:4-8).

  1. It is used during the swearing in of the president.

  2. It guides learners to tell the truth.

  3. It guides learners to obey its teaching.

  4. It guides us to love God and other people.

  5. Joshua 1:8 teaches us to read the holy bible every day and obey what the bible teaches us.

  6. 2 Timothy 3:16 teaches us that all scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching us the truth and giving us instruction about right living.

  7. Deuteronomy 1:8 teaches us to love the Lord our God.

Benefits of using the Holy Bible as a Daily Guide

  1. It guides us to live peacefully with God.

  2. It guides us to live peacefully with one another.

  3. It helps us to make right decisions.

  4. The holy bible helps us to obey our parents.

  5. It helps us to be faithful.

  6. The holy Bible is the light in our lives as it allows us to understand the secrets of salvation.

Values Acquired from using the Holy Bible as a Guide.

  1. Respect – a feeling of admiration for someone because of his or her good


  2. Patience – the ability to stay calm and accept a delay without complaining.

  3. Peace – a period of time when there is no war.

  4. Humility – the quality of not thinking that you are better than other people.

  5. Honesty – the quality of being truthful.

  6. Care – provision of what is necessary for the protection of someone.

  7. Kindness – the quality of being friendly and considerate.

  8. Bravery – not afraid.

  9. Generosity – willing to give someone something freely.

Other values we acquire when we use the holy Bible as a guide are:

  1. Thankfulness,

  2. Justice

  3. Endurance

  4. Love

  5. Integrity

  6. Love

  7. Patriotism

  8. Unity.

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