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Grade 5- The Baptism of Jesus

Jesus Christ was baptized by John the Baptist in River Jordan. Through baptism, Christians get forgiveness of sins.

John preached and baptized people in River Jordan. After his baptism by John, Jesus began to preach.

Events that took place during the baptism of Jesus Christ.

Read Luke 3:21 - 22

Baptism is a Christian rite of admission and adoption into Christianity. It may be performed by sprinkling or pouring water on the forehead or by immersing in water.

  1. Jesus was baptized.

  2. Jesus prayed.

  3. Heaven opened.

  4. The Holy Spirit, in form of a dove, came down from heaven.

  5. A voice was heard saying, “you are my own dear son. I am pleased with you.”

  6. Jesus was baptized to fulfill the will of God.

  7. He showed the value of obedience.

Importance of baptism in the life of a Christian

  1. Through baptism, one becomes a Christian

  2. Through baptism, Christians show their faith in God.

  3. It’s a way of showing humility before God.

  4. It’s a way of showing the value of obedience to God.

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