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Grade 5- Teachings of John the Baptist

Preparation for the coming of Jesus.

  • Preparation means to make ready.

  • John the Baptist prepared people for the coming of Jesus Christ. He told them to repent their sins.

  • Parents of John the Baptist were Zachariah and Elizabeth.

The teachings of John the Baptist in preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

  1. The message of John the Baptist from Luke 3:3 is, “turn away from your sins and be

    baptized and God will forgive your sins.”

  2. According to John the Baptist, God wants us to turn away from sin and be baptized so that He can forgive our sins.

  3. Baptism after repentance is a way of turning away from the past and setting towards a new life for the future.

  4. John the Baptist addressed the people, tax collectors and soldiers.

  5. To the people he instructed them that, “whoever has two shirts must give one to the man who has none and whoever has food must share it.”

  6. Instructions to the tax collectors “do not collect more than is legal.”

  7. To the soldiers he said, “do not take money from anyone by force or accuse anyone falsely. Be content with your pay”

Values taught by John the Baptist

  1. We should share with the needy.

  2. We should be contented with what we have.

  3. We should be honest always.

  4. We should practice; kindness, caring, justice and faithfulness.

  5. We should also practice values such as responsibility, humility, charity, love and honesty.

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