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Grade 5- Recovery of the lost Human Beings

Teachings of Jesus Christ

God wants us to live according to the teachings of His son, Jesus Christ. This enables us to set a good example to others.

Jesus Christ teaches us to have concerns for others. He wants

us to help those lost in sin to get back to him.

The Parable of the Lost Sheep

Read Luke 15:1-7

  • The lost sheep are the people who have left the ways of God and are disobeying His commandments.

  • A good shepherd is a person who when he loses one of the hundred sheep, leaves the ninety-nine to look for the lost one.

  • We should look for the people who are lost in sin.

  • We should live righteous lives.

  • We should pray for those lost in sin.

Lessons learnt from the parable of the lost sheep.

  1. God never gives up on His people even when they get lost.

  2. God is happy when one person repents his or her sin and starts a new life.

  3. When we sin, we should repent and get back to God.

  4. God is always willing to take us back.

  5. We should bring back lost members of the church by talking about the importance of the church.

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