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Grade 5- My Purpose

Identifying Talents and Abilities

A talent is a natural skill or ability to do something well. Ability is

a talent or skill in a particular area.

It is important to identify and use our talents and abilities. This will help us to grow and help others.

Purpose is the reason for which something is done or was created for; purpose is why something exists.

God created each one of us with a purpose.

What we want to do in the future is our plan. Plan helps us to do what God created us for. These plans are our purposes.

The plans that God has for us are His purpose for our lives.

We should live according to God’s plan in order to fulfill His purpose for our lives.

The Parable of the Talents

A Parable is a simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson.

  • The parable of the talents is also known as the parable of the three servants.

  • The first and second servants used their talents well and were rewarded.

  • We should use our talents to serve God and others.

  • When we use our talents to serve God and others, we fulfill God’s purpose in our lives.

  • God rewards us when we use our talents well.

Human beings as co-workers with God

A co-worker is a person who does the same job as another.

Human beings are co-workers with God.

Responsibilities given to human beings by God.

Read Genesis 1;26 and 2;15

a) Taking care of fish.

b) Taking care of birds.

c) Taking care of domestic and wild animals.

d) Cultivating the land.

Good Stewardship of God’s Creation.

It is important to take care of God’s creation. This helps us to live in a clean environment.

My roles at Home, School and in Church.

These are duties and responsibilities of individuals in a society set up.

They include.

  1. Cleaning around the house.

  2. Washing of clothes at home.

  3. Collecting litter in the compound at school.

  4. Wiping of seats before people sit it the church.

It is important that we share duties as this helps us to have unity.

The causes of Child Labour

Child labour is work that deny children of their childhood, their potential and dignity.

It is any work that is against the right of children.

Child Rights

Child rights are freedoms and privileges that children must have.

They are the rights of a child to live free from hunger, abuse, neglect and other cruel conditions.

Child rights Include

a) The right to life.

b) The right to health.

c) The right to education.

d) The right to play.

e) The right to protection.

Some of the causes of Child Labour are

1. Poverty.

2. Need for cheap labour.

3. Death of parents.

4. Irresponsible parents.

5. Drug use or abuse.

Effects of child Labour

a) It affects the physical and mental growth of a child.

b) It prevents a child from fulfilling his or her purpose.

c) It may lead to school dropouts.

d) It leads to having a poor relationship with children of the same age.

e) High risk of getting ill.

NOTE: You should report any form of child labour to your teacher, parent or guardian, church leader or to the police.

The Fall of Human Beings (Adam and Eve)

  • The disobedience of the first parents led to the fall of human beings.

  • The first parents disobeyed God when they ate the fruits of the tree that they had been warned not to eat.

Reasons for the fall of Human Beings

  1. The first people to be created were a man and woman. Adam and Eve.

  2. They ate the fruit of the tree they had been warned not to.

  3. Eve had a conversation with the snake.

  4. Eve accepted to eat the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden and gave some to Adam.

  5. That evening they heard God coming to the garden and hid from him. The Lord and the man (Adam) had a conversation.

  6. The man (Adam) blamed the woman (Eve), while the woman blamed the snake.

Lessons Learnt from the Fall of Human Beings

  1. We should be obedient.

  2. We should keep away from sin.

  3. God is unhappy with us when we sin.

  4. We should be honest.

  5. We should take responsibility of our wrongs.

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