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Grade 5- Mining in Kenya

Minerals are valuable substances that are naturally found on

earth or underneath.

Mining refers to the process of removing minerals from the rocks

in the ground.

Major minerals found in Kenya include:

Soda ash - mined at Lake Magadi

Diatomite - mined at Kariandusi near Gilgil.

Limestone - mined at Athi River near Nairobi and Bamburi in


Salt - mined in Lake Magadi and also along the coast at Malindi

and Ngomeni.

Petroleum - mined in Turkana county.

Importance of minerals in our country.

  1. They earn our country foreign exchange when they are exported.

  2. They are important in the construction industry e.g cement mixed with sand.

  3. Different minerals are used as raw materials in industries that manufacture different products such as cement, glass, soap and chemicals.

  4. Some minerals are used in our homes to add taste to our food e.g. salt.

Problems facing mining in Kenya

➔ Poor transport system

➔ Lack of skilled labour

➔ Insecurity in the mining areas

➔ Collapsing of mines which causes death or injury to the miners.

➔ Inadequate capital.

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