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Grade 5- Good Health Practices

It is our duty to maintain good health.

A drug is anything that if taken, alters the normal functioning of the body.

Alcohol and Substance Use.

  • It is the use of alcohol and other harmful substances for enjoyment.

  • Harmful substances include miraa, glue, tobacco, bhang e.t.c

Reasons why young people engage in Alcohol and Substance use

  1. Peer pressure.

  2. Bad company.

  3. Curiosity.

  4. Idleness.

  5. Technology.

  6. Depression.

  7. Stress.

  8. Low self-esteem.

  9. Bad role models.

  10. They feel misunderstood.

  11. Failure to find a trusted confidant for their frustration.

Effects of alcohol and substance use to the body and relationships.

Read Proverbs 20:1, 31:6 and Ephesians 5:18.

  1. The bible teaches us not to drink because drinking makes us loud and foolish.

  2. They only ruin us.

  3. They make us suffer.

  4. Breathing problems especially as a result of smoking.

  5. Liver and kidney problems resulting from alcohol use.

  6. Negligence.

  7. It can lead to physical abuse.

  8. Financial troubles.

  9. Heart related problems.

  10. High blood pressure.

  11. May lead to stroke.

  12. Can lead to unhealthy relationships among family members.

  13. Affect one’s success in school.

  14. Can lead to physical injuries.

Ways of avoiding engaging in alcohol and substance use

  1. Say NO politely to friends who use

  2. Take a walk for relaxation

  3. Play a sport

  4. Avoid bad company

  5. Keep busy through studies

  6. Engage in daily chores and productive routine

  7. Pray for strength to evade temptations

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