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Grade 5- God the Source of Life

  • Human life is given by God

  • No one has the right to take it away

  • Life is holy and sacred

  • It is God alone who has the right of taking life away

Christian teachings on God as the only source of life.

Read Genesis 1:27, Genesis 9:6, Psalms 49:7-8.

  • Life is a gift from God.

  • God created human beings according to Genesis 1:27.

  • Psalms 49:7-8 teaches us that payment for human life is too great and can never be paid enough.

  • We should protect life.

  • Human life is made in the likeness of God.

  • We should say NO to substance abuse and sex.

  • We should inform our parents if we are sick.

  • We should avoid playing dangerous games.

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