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Grade 5- God’s Power over Nature

God is powerful. We should always rely on him.

Miracle of calming the storm.

Read Mark 4:35-39

  • The boat was about to sink due to the strong wind and waves.

  • Jesus Christ commanded the wind to be quiet and the wave to be still.

  • The disciples felt that their live ware in danger.

  • They were sure that Jesus would help them overcome their problem.

Lesson learnt from the miracle of Calming the Storm

  1. The wind and the waves stopped after the command from Jesus Christ.

  2. Jesus Christ was able to calm the strong winds.

  3. We should rely on God to help us solve our problems.

  4. We should have faith and believe in the mighty power of God.

Ways of overcoming challenges by Christians.

1. Christians can help each other overcome challenges.

2. They can pray to God to help them overcome.

3. In case of sickness, we should go to the hospital.

4. In case of hunger, we should get something to eat.

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