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Grade 5- Bible Stories on Worship of True God

There is only one true God.

As Christians, we are supposed to worship Him alone and trust in Him.

The Contest at Mount Carmel

Read 1 Kings 18:26-39

  • A contest is an event where people compete to get the best in a sport or other activities.

  • The contest between Elijah and the prophets of Baal depicts the one true God who answers prayers of those who worship Him.

  • Prophet Elijah worshipped the Lord, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The other false prophets worshipped Baal.

  • God answered Elijah’s prayer by sending down fire that consumed the sacrifice, the wood and the stones.

  • The fire also burnt the earth and dried up the water in the trench.

  • The prophets of Baal prayed in many ways, but their god did not answer their prayers.

Difference between true God and false gods

  1. True God does not disappoint us, false gods are full of disappointments.

  2. True God provides for our needs while false gods do not.

  3. True God answers prayers of His own people while false gods do not.

  4. True God does not require people to harm their bodies while praying like the false

    gods of Baal.

  5. He is all-powerful unlike the false gods.

  6. There is only one True God while there are many false gods.

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