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Grade 5- Bible Stories on Service to God

We serve God by living according to His word.

His word are the teachings we get in the Holy Bible.

The Call of Moses

Read Exodus 3:1-10

  1. Moses was taking care of his father-in-law’s (Jethro) sheep and goats when God called him.

  2. One day, Moses saw a bush which was on fire but was not burning up.

  3. He went closer to the bush upon which God called out his name.

  4. He was told by God to remove his sandals for he was standing on holy ground.

  5. Moses obeyed God’s command and removed his sandals.

  6. God told Moses to go to Egypt and save the people of Israel from their suffering.

Lessons learnt about God from the call of Moses.

  1. God loves His people.

  2. God hears the prayers of His people.

  3. We should obey God.

  4. God is Holy.

  5. God is powerful.

How leaders should obey God’s instructions in the society.

  1. A Leader can be anybody from mother, father, older siblings, school heads,

    prefects, church elders, priests, chiefs and village elders.

  2. Leaders obey God’s instruction by doing what is right before God.

  3. They obey God’s instructions by doing what He requires them to do.

  4. Leaders obey His instructions by taking part in church activities.

  5. Living a holy life free from bad behavior such as using abusive language or

    fighting is obeying God’s instructions.

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