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Grade 5- Bible Stories on Humility

  • Humility is a feeling that one is not better or more important than others.

  • Humility helps us to show respect to God and others.

The story of a handwritten on the wall

Read Daniel 5: 1-13, 25-28

King Belshazzar used the Holy vessels from the temple to drink wine and praise other


These holy vessels included cups and bowls.

A hand wrote a message on the wall as king Belshazzar and his noblemen were partying.

Daniel read and interpreted the writings on the wall;

Number means God has numbered the days of king Belshazzar’s kingdom and brought it to an end.

Weight means God had weighed king Belshazzar on the scales and found him to be too light.

Divisions means his kingdom is divided up and given to the Medes and Persians.

The king was punished because he showed his pride to God by disrespecting the Holy Vessels.

Skills and Values demonstrated by Daniel.

These values included

  1. Respect

  2. Truthfulness

  3. Humility

  4. Peace

  5. Courage

  6. Knowledge

  7. Boldness

Benefits of Humility to Christians

  1. One is able to practice obedience.

  2. It enables us to be truthful.

  3. We preach peace through humility.

  4. Knowledge and wisdom can be achieved and demonstrated through humility.

  5. Our faith in God is strengthened if we humble ourselves before God.


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