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Grade 5- Bible Stories on Courage

Christians turn to the stories in the holy Bible for guidance when they are faced with challenges in life.


Standing firm in spiritual matters enables us to be role models, please God and receive the Holy Spirit who enables us to defend what is right.

The story of Peter and John at the Temple

Read Acts 4:1-5, 7-13.

  • Peter and John were arrested because they were teaching the people that Jesus Christ had risen from death.

  • When they were asked questions by the Jewish leaders, the elders and teachers of the law, the spoke boldly about using the name of Jesus Christ to heal.

  • They also reminded them that Jesus Christ is the one whom the scripture refers to as the stone that was rejected by the builders.

  • The Jewish leaders had rejected Jesus Christ.

  • Christians are urged to have courage so as to defend their faith and show trust in God.

Reasons why Christians should stand firm in their faith.

  1. When you stand firm in faith, you can solve problems through prayers.

  2. One can overcome all challenges when he or she stands firm in faith.

  3. Trusting in God and standing firm in faith helps us to defeat our enemies.

  4. It enables our prayers to be answered.

  5. It allows Christians to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Good Qualities Learnt from the Story of Peter and John.

  1. We should always stand firm in faith.

  2. We should have courage in defending our faith.

  3. We should trust in God.

  4. We should be patient.

  5. We should practice endurance.

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