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Grade 5- Agriculture


This is the growing of crops and keeping animals.


Farming methods

Subsistence farming - it is a type of farming whereby farmers grow crops for

use at home.


Characteristics of subsistence farming

  1. Farmers grow crops and keep animals mainly for home use

  2. The farms are divided into small portions

  3. Farmers use simple tools such as hoes, ox ploughs and pangas to do

  4. cultivation.

  5. Farmers grow crops such as maize, beans, millet, cassava, yams and

  6. arrowroots in small quantities.

  7. Animal waste is used as manure

  8. Family labour is used

  9. A few animals such as cows, sheep, goats and chicken are kept.


Small scale farming

Is the type of farming whereby the farmer grows crops and keeps

livestock on small pieces of land.


Characteristics of small scale farming

  1. It is practical in areas which are densely populated. The land

  2. available for farming is limited.

  3. It is practised in areas which have fertile soil and which receive

  4. enough and reliable rainfall.

  5. Improved methods of farming such as rotation, application of

  6. fertilizer and spraying are used.

  7. Farmers plant crops and keep animals for food and also for sale.

  8. Family labour is used by farmers.

  9. Food crops and cash crops such as coffee, tea,sugarcane,

  10. pyrethrum, fruits, vegetables and flowers.

Importance of farming

1.      It’s a sources of income for farmers

2.      It’s a source of raw materials for industries

3.      Source of food for many people

4.      Promotes better standards of living

5.      Earns revenue for the government

6.      Promotes proper use of land.



This refers to the keeping of cattle for the production of milk and milk products. It

can be carried out on a small and large scale.


The following factors favour dairy farming in Kenya

  1. Cool temperatures, which discourages breeding of ticks

  2. High and reliable rainfall to enable pastures to grow.

  3. Good transport system to ensure quick transportation of milk

  4. Enough land to grow grass to feed the cattle.

  5. Plenty of water for animals in order to produce enough milk.

  6. Veterinary services to give advice to farmers and treat animals when

  7. they are sick.

  8.  A large market to buy dairy products which have to be sold quickly.


Areas where dairy farming is mainly practised include

Meru, Embu, Kirinyaga, Murang’a, Nakuru, Nyandarua, Laikipia, Nyeri, Kiambu, Kisii, Nyamira, Nandi, Bungoma, Uasin Gishu and Trans-Nzoia counties.


Dairy products include: Milk, cheese, yoghurt, ghee, butter and cream.


Benefits of dairy farming

  1. Improves the living standards of people

  2. Provides people with milk and other milk products such as yoghurt.

  3. Farmers can earn income when they sell milk

  4. It’s a source of employment

  5. Government gets revenue from milk exports

  6. Milk is a source of protein and thus it improves our health

  7. Hides and skins are used in the leather industry to make shoes andbelts.  

Challenges Facing Dairy farming in Kenya

  1. Dairy farming is very expensive to practice and needs a lot of money.

  2. Lack of enough capital

  3. Lack of enough storage and cooling facilities to store milk

  4. Poor means of transport because the roads are damaged

  5. Lack of adequate market for milk

  6. Delay of payment of farmers by the buyers

  7. Lack of enough pasture during the dry period

  8. High cost of commercial feeds.

  9. Competition from cheap imported dairy products.



Horticulture is the growing of flowers, fruits and vegetables.


Horticulture Farming is done in green houses under natural

conditions e.g. flowers grown in Kenya are: Roses, lilies, hibiscus,

carnations and orchids


Fruits grown in Kenya are: Oranges, grapes, lemons, mangoes and



Vegetables grown in Kenya include: onions, tomatoes, cabbages,

carrots and sukuma wiki (kale) among others

It is mainly practised in the following areas:

  1. Mount elgon

  2. Kitale

  3. Cherangany hills

  4. Mois Bridge

  5. Nyahururu

  6. Taveta

  7. Naivasha

  8. Ngong

  9. Kisii

  10. Embu

  11. Eldoret

  12. Nairobi


Naivasha is the main horticultural growing area in Kenya.


Contribution of horticulture to the Economy of Kenya

  1. It earns the country foreign exchange when they are exported.

  2. Improves living standards when farmers get their money.

  3. It’s a source of employment. People are employed to work in farms.

  4. They are a major source of food for the people of Kenya

  5. Some horticultural crops are used as raw materials in industries.

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