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Grade 4- Resources in our Counties

Resources are things that we use to create wealth.

Resources can be man-made things or natural.


Main Resources in our County











Ways in which resources are conserved in the county

We should make good use of our resources. 

The protection of resources is known as conservation. 

This can be done through 

  1. Building gabions 

  2. Conserving wild animals 

  3. Fencing 

  4. Planting trees 

  5. Protecting animals

  6. Conserving water 

  7. Avoid overgrazing 

  8. Avoid poaching 


Economic Activities in the County

  • Economic activities helps to earn a living

  • We use resources to carry economic activities.

  • Economic activities are things that people do in order to create wealth

  • Refers to the use of resources available in order to create wealth or earn a living


Main Economic Activities in the County

  1. Examples

  2. Mining

  3. Fishing

  4. Saw milling

  5. Agriculture

  6. Transport

  7. Communication

  8. Pottery

  9. Basketry

  10. Trading


Importance of economic activities

  1. People in the county earn money from various economic activities.

  2. This improves their standard of living

  3. Economic activities like farming have led to development of other industries.

  4. These industries have led to development of roads, hospitals and schools.


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